- Save the Oxygen (On Oceans) website on climate change, ocean hypoxia, Earth systems, activism, politics, technology, science.... 2016-Present
- Lost in Mist: A Collection of Outrageous Magical Objects I write various things here including poetry and creative non-fiction
- Anywhere Bulletin Post: An Open Source Business Plan for Journalist / Community Organizer / Creative Type Human Independent Operators on GitHub. More visual and less utilitarian website planned for future as well as attempting to execute on the idea myself and crowdfund as a proof-of-concept
Active Projects
- https://cooperdozier.com/presentation-v1/
- Easy Em website framework on Github
- Empty frame improved mobile-first responsive HTML/CSS slide deck - live preview
- VSO-frame github repository
"added some things to cooperdozier.com/index.html homepage other than the 10/5 hurricane emergency announcement. the cooperdozier.com/presentation-v1 incomplete presentation slides I used to graduate from bellarmine has been up for 3 years in december. the github repository and GitHub pages live preview of a better HTML/CSS presentation slide deck without content has been done for a couple years but just now public VSO-frame Live Preview . I did the 30 minute in class presentation and submitted 5 pages of the drafted paper that was supposed to be at least 8. Never checked the grades to see if I got better than a D but I got the diploma. I was sober for ... many of the classes and for sure the first uninterrupted part of the semester" - Color Scheme Explorer 2019 Louisville Skills class project which is in a state which was functional in 2019 but doesn't work anymore due to changes in cors-anywhwere and Heroku App. Educational, and proof that I have built something else in JavaScript and used React and an API. Could be fun and useful if you can get it into a working state again, I haven't finished that and the effort I was working on would still require you to install a browser plugin to switch on and off a safety feature for one or several browser tabs I forget what it's called. Something to do with CORS - Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
Mostly Finished, Paused, or otherwise only rarely updated projects

this seems to me to encompass both the nearly passed but failed Equal Rights Amendment from the 70s for women and men as well as anatomical, chromosomal, cosmetic, psychological and any other elements of differently gendered identities and phenomena including unusual sex chromosomes, intersex characteristics and more common non-binary and transgender experiences. ..... said the cishet white male he/him. I certainly wouldnt object if anyone ever referred to me as a they for any reason though... but I am also not a constitutional scholar or any variety of lawyer. neither were most of the framers....
It also circumvents debates and precedents about corporate or animal personhood, cases such as those in ?australia or new zealand? where a river was determined to have enforceable rights (unsure how it handled any references to legal 'personhood'), and hypotheticals such as artificial intelligence or extraterrestrial alien rights.
Link for ODG template document referenced in the facebook screenshot published on my personal google drive:
Other version quarter page flyer put up earlier today I think? on facebook. Yes.
ODG file on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gl7qUUUeyznYY72sTmfsbugOYeZ23pkU/view?usp=sharing
Unbuilt Sub/Domains
- easyem.org Website describing Easy Em instead of full code repository. More visual less utilitarian
- inthekeyofsparrows.com Website describing The Key of Sparrows, with sales available, JavaScript program to do drawings via Math.random() completed.
The fortune teller program is a very small piece of JavaScript code which runs in your browser on your computer, as is the Easy Em menu, not on my shared web host server. The drawings are done with however your computer implements Math.random() built-in thing from JavaScript whether that's a Pseudo Random Number Generator, some kind of natural process entropy random number generator computers have (much slower than PRNG) or some other cascade of processes. A separate but similarly simple and slightly different piece of code would enable you to manually input your drawing from dice & coin or other way of generation to get a web page which you could then screenshot or save. It's not possible for me to stop you from simply copying all my front end code and image files but I don't have to make it one click. I encourage you to buy something when it becomes available and not put up duplicate fortune teller websites. If you want to try and manually assemble all the bits from the web into a functioning copy on your hard drive that is probably a good educational exercise.
Planning to fork from tkos.dev. Temporary or partially done pieces and stuff that relates to other sites like announcements and campaigns to remain at tkos.dev, mostly. - shoestringoperationsnexus.shop Another place to gather together my online offerings
- shoestringoperationsnexus.online Putting the GoFundMes here probably when I get to that for subscriptions, domains, web hosting, stamps, supplies. Requests for living expenses perhaps. Patreon? Subscriber only contents? Add that to shop instead?
- shoestringoperationsnexus.tech Gathering point to tie together many strands of ongoing actions and plans plus repository of past actions and resources.
- conspiritech.shop
- conspiritech.wordpress.com
- conspiritech: A word I invented around 2007 after some problems with fear and paranoia I developed in 2004. My mind somehow deconstructed and broke the hold of the fear and paranoia after taking a couple of logic courses and having a dextromethorphan experience for the first time after about 3 years not using it. It took several months and I wasn't really actively deconstructing my illusions. They just were coming unwound because they were logically implausible on the cost/coordination/number of people levels. Technology or technician.... They describe a lot of the nasty things that emanate from Russia as 'political technology' both the analysts and critics and the perpetrators call it that. 'spirit' From the beautifully illustrated children's book Dinotopia I think? The source words that formed 'conspire' would mean 'to breathe together' in some latin or romance language? IDK. Similar root to 'inspire'. Legally (and I am no lawyer) 'conspiracy' (with an 'a' instead of 'i') requires at least two people and agreeing to coordinate for an illegal objective. Not simply 'cooperating together for purposes the bosses or lawmen dislike'. I used that as a screen name in the past and have a gmail address I hardly ever log into any more that says that. And that one thing I did in sidewalk chalk on campus one time because of being irrationally accused and threatened of something that was not me (in many fewer words). Signed the screen name but you could find my real name if you did enough web search. I had no other way to respond in self defense against the rumor mill and potential rwelational aggression than sidewalk chalk in a very public way.
Banner Photo by Patrice Bouchard on Unsplash